
Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello! (An introduction + giveaway)

(Oh boy, first post. No pressure, right?)

Well hello there, and welcome to We Heart YA. We are Stephanie, Ingrid, Sarah, and Kristan -- 4 writers and avid readers of Young Adult literature.

(We're also a bit cheesy, eh?)

Here at We Heart YA, we plan to gush about all the wonderful things we read, write, and think about the YA world. And we would love for you to join us! So if you heart YA, please follow us via RSS or email, and friend us on Facebook and Twitter! The more, the merrier.

What to expect: posts about what we're reading, what we're writing, authors we admire, movie adaptations, and more. We plan to include writer interviews, recommended reads, guest posts, and giveaways. In fact, to kick off our new blog, we're starting with a THREE-BOOK GIVEAWAY.

Gimme a Call The Pillow Book of Lotus Lowenstein Red Carpet Riot (Likely Story, #3)

GIMME A CALL by Sarah Mlynowski
and RED CARPET RIOT by David Van Etten

To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment right here on this post before Sunday, May 1st, and tell us what your favorite YA book is. It's that simple!

The three winners (each receiving one of the titles) will be chosen at random and announced on Monday, May 2nd. You can receive extra entries by tweeting about this giveaway, liking us on Facebook, following us via Google Friend Connect, and/or becoming a subscriber. Just leave an additional comment (with a link, if applicable) to let us know which ones you've done.

If you want to know what our favorite YA books are, check out the About page. You can meet our mascots there too. ;)


  1. My favorite right now is Entwined by Heather Dixon. I was carried away by it! Good luck with the blog, ladies!!

  2. @Dawn I just picked up Entwined from the library. I'm so excited about it! I adored Grimm's "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" when I was a kid, and I LOVE retold fairytales.

  3. I love Cate Tiernans Sweep series... Somehow it never seems to bore me :)

  4. My favorite YA books are MaryJanice Davidson's series of Jennifer Scales. :)
    I'm a GFC follower.
    I tweeted about it:!/vollkopf/status/56471779132194816

    thanks for the giveaway. ;)

  5. I'm not entering the contest. I just want to give you guys a big fat welcome to the YA book blog world!

    Following...because we love YA too!

  6. There are so many good books! Googling Cate Tiernan and MaryJanice Davidson...and ENTWINED is definitely on the list. Thanks so much for commenting and following! Sarah

  7. I hate picking favorites, so I'll pick the YA book that had the greatest impact on me as both a reader and a writer: FEED, by M T Anderson. I wish I could write like that!

  8. I just finished WITHER and really enjoyed that!

    Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com

  9. Well don't laugh but I grew up with all kinds of mystery novels like: the classic tales, Rebecca, Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights etc. but also Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and every Dauphne Du Maurier book I could find. Now I am reading and re-reading the Twilight series and trying to finish "The Time Traveler's Wife".
    Hey, I like your new web page Sarah.

  10. I'm not sure if this is open internationally but I'll go ahead and say that my favourite YA novel (at the moment, subject to change) is The Hunger Games. Can Collins write an action-packed, high stakes page-turner or what? I followed Sarah over and can't wait to see what you ladies come up with on your new blog!
    - Sophia.

  11. Ishta, there are so many that I'd like to write like...I've heard good things about FEED, so I'm going to check it out.

    Sophia, the contest is open to you for sure! Just a short way over the pond, right? :)

    Marion, thanks Mom.

    Ivy, thanks for the support! heart ya!

  12. One of you likes HANK THE COWDOG!! That is so cool. I used to read that to my daughters. Love that series. :D

    Anyway...nice to meet ya'll from Twitter. My fave YA book? I have to choose? Gulp. I will just choose one I really like. Um...I like SAVVY by Ingrid Law (love the voice) but that's technically MG. I liked THE HUNGER GAMES so I guess I'll say that. But I also like THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak and ARTICHOKE'S HEART by Suzanne Supplee. :) I just read Beth Revis' ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and that was good too.

  13. I'm not a huge YA reader, but I like you guys, so I'm stopping by to say hello! Congrats on the new venture, Sarah and Kristan!

  14. My favorite many I love!! Well, it would have been THE HUNGER GAMES until MOCKINGJAY cam out and crushed me. I think I might have to go with THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS/THE INFERNAL DEVICES series by Cassie Clare. Or possibly GRACELING by Kristin Cashore....I just adore that book!

    I'm following you on Google Reader and I liked your Facebook page already! :D

  15. I would probably have to say The Hunger Games trilogy although I have to admit, I am very much looking forward to Veronica Roth's Divergent.

    I'm excited by your blog - congratulations!

  16. Although I always enjoy YA fiction, I don't read it as much as I used to. I go in spurts --which will be obvious when I name some of my favorite works.

    I liked 'Stuck in Neutral' by Terry Trueman, and 'Speak' by Laurie Halse Anderson. I read and enjoyed 'The Hunger Games', though didn't care for the 2nd and 3rd books in the series. I read the 'Twilight' saga. But my tastes in YA fiction tend more toward those with dark, realistic social issues and characters who struggle with them.

  17. @Carol and Andye-
    I've been dying to read SAVVY and GRACELING

    I'm really looking forward to DIVERGENT too. I read the first 100 pages on HarperCollins site.

    I've seen the movie adaptation of SPEAK (quite good!) but not read the book yet. It's definitely on my list.

  18. I can't choose and all time favourite, there are too many and the one I choose will vary depending on when I'm asked.

    Some of my favourite YA books ever are: Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, Looking for Alaska by John Green (and Paper Towns by him too), The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Divergent...I could continue, the list is long but you only asked for one and I gave six, sorry. =P

    *following the blog now* :)


  19. Hi ladies! Love the new blog. I'm glad I finally got myself over here.

    Like the others, I'm not sure I could name just one, but lanna-lovely and I have VERY similar tastes, that's for sure.

    If pressed, I'm going to say THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER by Ellen Emerson White, which is just not complete without the 3 follow-ups, WHITE HOUSE AUTUMN, LONG LIVE THE QUEEN, LONG MAY SHE REIGN. To. Die. For. Seriously.

    - Liz

  20. Tuck Everlasting is definitely an all time favorite.

  21. @lanna-lovely-
    Lol more than one favorite is fine. I can never pick either!

    Thanks for coming! And hmm, I've never read any of those. I'll have to check them out.

    LOOOOOOVE that book! Just read it for the first time last year, though. I'm so late to the party, huh?

  22. Liked on FB

    lol, I guess so! You seen the movie yet? With Jonathan Jackson? yum lol

  23. No, haven't seen the movie yet, but Alexis Bledel (who's from Houston like me) is in it too, I think!
    - Kristan

  24. Yup, she's really good.

    Google +followed thingy button.

  25. I'm goign to have to go with MEMOIRS OF A TEENAGE AMNESIAC...So good. Had all the elements of a YA book but still felt sophisticated.


  26. My Favourite YA Book is Dr Franklin's Island by Ann Halam. Some amazing books up in the comments too;
    also loving the Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac (Gabrielle Zevin = <3), The Hunger Games, Speak and lots more :)
    By the way, I know mentioning this is kind of cheesy, and probably not socially acceptable, but I'm looking for nominations for my Books-Are-Like Cake Awards- which are all about celebrating the YA/Teen books that are our favourites. If you'd like to, please come nominate some of those awesomesauce titles and get your favourite crowned the victor of the most cakey/literary awards in the blogasphere. Thanks!

  27. @Rachel-
    That's neither cheesy nor unacceptable. Thanks for letting us know! We've definitely got some good titles for your Cakey contest. :)

  28. I have way to many favorite YA books I fear that my list would go on and on... but to list a few I would have to say The Mortal Instrument series, Stolen, Sing Me To Sleep, and Silver Phoenix.

    I am a follower now!

  29. Hi and welcome to the blogosphere! While I'm a new follower, you don't need to enter me into your contest (I never win anyway). I just wanted to drop by, follow you back, and say hi! I'm looking forward to your posts.

  30. I'm totally late for this, but my favorite YA novels have to be the Hunger Games series, the Book Thief, or the Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner (they're brilliant!) :) Congrats on starting the blog!

  31. Wow, love the look of the site! My favourite YA novel is probably Jandy Nelson's The Sky Is Everywhere - simply breathtakingly gorgeous.

  32. My favorite YA novel is Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender - a good mix of creepy and suspense :)

  33. Glad to see another YA book blog :) Thanks for the contest! My favorite book is The Host by Stephenie Meyer. If you guys haven't read it yet I suggest you do so-its fantastic!

  34. I am a new follower and looking forward to reading your blog :)

  35. Lov your blog so far! I can see this one going very far in the future :).

    I honestly do not have an absolute favorite book; the latest would probably be City of Glass by Cassandra Clare, though. It was better than the first 2, and that's saying something!

    I have Tweeted:!/walkinginsects/status/60102328497344512
    Followed you on Twitter (my name is @walkinginsects)
    Liked you on FB (my name is Zakiya LadyWings)
    and Followed you via Google Friend Connect.

    Have an ahmazing day!,
    Zakiya LWings :)

  36. @Nonie-
    You're not late at all! And yes, THE BOOK THIEF was soooo good.

    @YA Yeah Yeah-
    Sarah just read that and LOVED it!

    Thanks for all the follows! And ZOMG, THE HOST is one of my faves!

    @Zakiya & Lauren-
    Thanks ladies!

  37. I'm a new follower and thanks for the giveaway :D
    Hmm... This is a hard question!! Some of my favorites from off the top of my head include The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, Across the Universe by Beth Revis and Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John :)
    I'm a follower through Google Friend Connect.

  38. My favourite YA book? That's so hard... I'm going to have to say The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa and The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I'm sorry, but I can't choose between them! :L Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me if it's international :)

  39. OMG it's so hard to pick just one....lemme think...I really think The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins will always be my favorite. I'm a follower (iLuvReadingTooMuch) and thanks for following on my blog as well! Please enter me if this is an international giveaway. Thanks!

    Confessions of a Readaholic

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower as well. :]

    I have to say my favorite YA novel is Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - so moving.

  41. Hunger Games is definitely my current YA favorite!

    Becky Fuentes
    ohmygoshbeck at

  42. GFC follower!

    Becky Fuentes
    ohmygoshbeck at gmail dot com

  43. Tweeted the giveaway:

    ohmygoshbeck at gmail dot com

  44. Facebook follower!

    ohmygoshbeck at gmail dot com

  45. Email subscriber!

    ohmygoshbeck at gmail dot com
