
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Places Worth Visiting

When you read this, I will be in the Caribbean on a (hopefully) sunny beach. I absolutely love to travel, and if I could be a professional vacationer, I'd jump at the chance.

Reading a book is a lot like traveling. That's one of the reasons I love to read so much. You get to explore new places, different cultures, and experience things that are impossible in real life.

One of the books I've read recently that had a great setting was CHIME by Franny Billingsley. It's set in a swamp, riddled with fantastic creatures. The world building is this book is perfect. She describes just enough to put a clear picture in your head, but still gives you room to use your imagination. I loved the culture and the mythology.

For me, world building is one of the most important parts of a book. If the setting isn't well done, I can't lose myself in the story, then all the characters start staring at me, and become increasingly aggressive, and if I get killed, I'LL END UP IN LIMBO!!... No, wait. That's Inception.

What is your favorite setting in a book? Do you prefer invented worlds or setting grounded in reality? What part of the world building is most important to you?

And just for fun...

Who didn't LOVE this show growing up?



  1. Steph,
    As you know, CHIME is my favourite read this year. Still, it haunts me.

    Okay, that Reading Rainbow clip nearly made me pee my pants with excitement--flashback to being six? Also, flashback to my PBS childhood. I was always destined to be a geek.

  2. Professional vacationer? Sign me up !

    But I feel the same way about reading as travel. Love it! I'm looking forward to reading Chime, since you and Sarah keep hyping it up.

    Besides Inception (which I did love), I've also enjoyed traveling to Paris in Anna and the French Kiss (Stephanie Perkins), the fantasy kingdom in Pegasus (Robin McKinley), the Book World in The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde).

    I don't have a strong preference for real world vs. made up when I'm reading, but as I writer I think I'm stronger when my worlds are grounded in reality.

    A great compromise is a mix, like Hogwarts. :)

  3. Professional vacationer? Yes, please! I'm good with languages, we could make this work. ;)

    I don't know that I have a favorite setting, but my favorite book would have a setting that I could feel completely immersed in. Books that have done this lately for me have been THE NEAR WITCH by Victoria Schwab; the gorgeous, lyrical writing absolutely aids this and I'm just surprised I didn't feel the wind whispering by as I read. I'm currently reading THE NIGHT CIRCUS (and when my review is up it will probably just be me gushing and incredibly incoherent as I love this book) and it's absolutely stunning in its prose and description. I'm pretty sure I've been having dreams in shades of black and white due to reading it.

    I guess it doesn't really matter if it's real or invented - perhaps the best is when I can't tell the difference.

    (And that clip...oh, I loved that show! Yay for PBS.)

  4. I don't have a favorite kind of setting in a book as long as the story line is strong enough to keep me dialed in then I'm good. It's all about belief. If can't really believe that it's happening or could happen then it trips me out of the story. So, is a story about a professional vacationer up next for you? :)

  5. Hey ladies :) I received the Appreciated Follower Award and I'm passing it on to you lovely YA lovers. So check out the post and claim your badge :)

  6. Thanks for all the great suggestions, y'all!

    Oh, we have heard wonderful things about The Near Witch, and your review of The Night Circus definitely got us interested.

    Thanks, lady!
