
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Ever wonder where writers write?
A few years ago, when I started blogging, I used to follow Diary of a Virgin Novelist. Sadly, Rebecca no longer blogs, but I loved the post where she asked followers to send in pictures of their writing spaces. I am eternally interested in where writers write and readers read.
So, I was thinking that if the girls at We Heart YA share pictures of our spaces, would you be willing to share yours? All this week, I'd love if you emailed us your pictures of where you read, write or design...weheartya(at)gmail(dot)com...and I'll post some every friday for the rest of September (and October if we get enough). I might even call it Friday Friends and give you a little blurb, and link to your site. What do you think?
Without further's Kristan's space where she writes about courageous girls who have to fight against a culture where women are deemed worthless...(hello Riley).
...and here's where Stephanie writes about a Starish and eccentric prince who would probably get along spendidly with Doctor Who...he and his important companion. Also looks like her desk is set up for some cover Designing. :)
...this is my view. Yes, the kitchen is my office. In more ways than just writing. I stop here often to check in on my girl, Jack, who entertains me with her ridiculous imagination. Skadoosh!
...and Ingrid's view just makes me jealous. Colorado mountains. Sigh. A lot of polishing and editing has been happening here lately on a story about a girl who learns to live after enormous loss.
And you? Can't wait to see where you spend your time...Sarah xx


  1. It's always fun to see where the writer creates. All four spaces show your personality too. And yeah I'm a bit jealous of Ingrid's view. ;)

    (Lol. Before I saw your post I was working on something similar for my blog.)

  2. Wow,look at you guys and your spaces! Ingrid's is amazing,I think everyone can agree but the others are nice too. I don't have a desiginated space.It's often just on my bed in my room.

  3. Beautiful spaces! I'm another writer-in-bed ^_^

  4. Cool spaces! I can't help but notice the ubiquity of the laptop--am I the only dinosaur that still types on a desktop tower?

    Thanks for sharing :) Here's a blog post with pictures of my writing cave:

  5. @Joelle, let me know when you post something and I'll link up to you! Yeah, our personalities as writing spaces for sure!

    @Bridget and Angelina, don't know how you write in bed!! As is, I read before bed and I'm only making it a chapter in before I'm zonked.

    @Scott, your space is GORGEOUS. like a catalog house. I have a desktop in the basement that the kids have taken over. I much prefer the freedom of the laptop. I should have shown my couch because I do a lot of writing there too. p.s. I'll link up to you on Friday. Thanks!

  6. I loved this post. I love seeing where authors post, and their writing research habits.

  7. Yeah, lol, I think Ing wins. Guess we all gotta move to Colorado... ;)

  8. I love seeing where writers do their magic. Somehow it adds more to their books. Like, the more I learn about the writer, the more I connect with their work. Awesome spaces! :)

  9. Oh, I love this! Actually, when I interview authors, that's what I like to ask everyone and I particularly love it when they include a picture. It's like peering through a looking glass. Love your spaces, gals!
    Mary @ BookSwarm

  10. I am definitely a couch writer. Laptop + little laptop desk + cat at my side + couch = my writing space. I love Ingrid's space, but I sit at a desk all day at work, so I gotta be chillersville to write ;)

  11. @Mrs. Q, me too! Thanks for commenting!

    @Kristan, it is inevitable. :)

    @Ashley, absolutely! I have been to a couple of book signings/readings this year and just knowing the person behind the book makes me want to read it more/enjoy it on a deeper level. It feels like the line of communication is more direct.

    @Mary, I love that you have that policy! Such a good idea. Thanks!

    @Shell, I do spend a lot of time on the comfy corner of the couch too. However, I find I'm not as productive. Couch=relax Desk=work for me. But I understand why you'd need a relaxing workspace at the end of the day.

  12. This is such a great post! I really love seeing people's work spaces. :) Thanks for sharing!

  13. All these spaces are lovely...but, yeah, Ingrid's got a room with a view. *loves*

    I'm kind of a bed bug, too. I mean I have two offices of my own, with multiple desks, and sometimes I write at them, or my couch. But I love writing in bed for some reason.

  14. I absolutely *love* seeing posts like this. I sometimes wonder if my space were more conducive to me feeling like I had a comfy spot to write if I would actually be more productive or not. Maybe a good cleaning is necessary.

    I love how the different spaces show personality. :)
