
Monday, November 28, 2011

Twitter Tuesday

Yeah, the title could be catchier...but it's oh so practical. You see, We Heart YA is adding a new weekly feature--Twitter Tuesday--in which we collect our favorite tweets from the previous week and place them here for your viewing pleasure. This way you don't have to stalk twitter (like we do) into the silly hours of the day. You don't have to skip your homework, your Totino's pizza rolls snack attack, your 1000th viewing of the Hunger Games movie trailer. No! We'll do the work for you.'re welcome. :)

Hands-Down Best Hashtag of the Week: #booksarebetter

Authors Say the Funniest Things:

Books We are Excited About:

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life:

The Lady Knows:

One of those times where you hop into twitter and then you slowly. back. out.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. LOL--I like this! Fun feature. And it looks like we're following a lot of the same people (the pickle conversation made me laugh).

  2. Hi Mary! She is by far my favorite tweeting author. Always entertaining! John Green is a close second. :) Glad you like the feature and thanks for commenting!!

  3. This is cute! I wonder if one of my tweets will ever make it on here. hmmm

  4. Hahaha this is a great feature! Especially love the authors tweets :)
