
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Twitter Tuesday

Last week we read this article, and apparently twitter's own users think 2/3 of the content is boring, useless, irrelevant, etc. Basically, not worth reading. At first, we thought, well...duh. It's a (mostly) unedited stream of consciousness. It's a pile of "pay dirt" and you have to filter through to find the gold.

*sidenote: How awesome is Gold Rush on Discovery Channel? What? You mean, a tear didn't come to your eye when Grandpa John Schnabel had a heart attack last week? Your heart needs some gold.*

Then, we thought, these people are not following the right people--WORD people.

Conclusion? We have even more reason for finding that 1/3 of tweets worth your time.

THIS. This. A million times, this:

Secret life of an American teenager (is not so dramatic):

There was this big game over the weekend...

For the record, we love football. What we like as well? Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally. Nice blurb: "There are two fundamental things in this world that baffle teenage girls--love and football. A clever and gorgeously written novel about characters I'd love to see walking the halls of my own high school, CATCHING JORDAN, manages to teach the truth about both." --Madeleine Rex, the Wordbird herself.

Authors: so self-sabotaging, so charming, tweets so worth reading...


  1. These are always so awesome. Super flattered to be included in it this time. :)

  2. Oh, I love this! Twitter's so intriguing to me because it is stream of consciousness and there's gold to be mined (to use your metaphor). You make connections with so many cool and random people over things your RL friends may think are bizarre. Some great tweets you screen-capped there.

  3. do make us smile with your one word comments. thanks!

    @Brielle...yay, thanks! Sometimes it's worrying when you spy on people's tweets, then report them back. But yours made us laugh, especially about your mom!

    @Mary...yes, twitter is intriguing, and it may suck your time and life away, but those 140carat nuggets are worth it. ;)

  4. So glad you mine for gold so we don't have to! <3 you.

    Brielle's tweet about her mom packing CRACKED ME UP!

    Loved Animscition's too.
