
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Twitter Tuesday

Today is the book birthday for @leahclifford 's A TOUCH MORBID and @oliverbooks PANDEMONIUM. Lauren Oliver has been tweeting lines from her book with the #tweetdeleria hashtag and we have to say it's an excellent way to create buzz. What better advertising than the writing, y'know?

Except for maybe this teaser from Kaz Mahoney:

If you're a writer, this is some good advice by Maggie Stiefvater:

Some more excellent advice:

One event took over the twitterverse for six hours Sunday night...The Oscars (and Angelina Jolie's leg) Although editor Alvina Ling's #fakelivetweeting was far more interesting:

Also trendy news this week...JK Rowling is penning an OA (Old Adult) book:

The topic of Lent keeps coming up:

Okay, too much twitter may suck your life away (like The Machine in The Princess Bride), but there's always good stuff to be found, connections to be made:

And as for this tweet by agent Amy comment :)

What other book releases have we missed? There's been lots of excellent cover reveals as well. Leave a link in the comments for the ones you're most excited about.


  1. Aprilynne Pike was doing that to celebrate her latest release too. She let Tweeples give her page numbers and she picked the lines. I thought that was cool.

    I would TOTALLY be down with Fey and Poehler as hosts next year. Or Chris Rock. Or Jason Segel (because I LOVE HIM).

    Love all the great writing advice!

  2. These posts are just so fun. I was excited to hear about JK Rowling's book this week, it made my month :)
