
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Twitter Tuesday

Nothing divides The People like The Twitter:

Best #BadPun:

Life is ordinarily extraordinary...

filled with spots of Trouble...

and Funny people:

No one can deny that Natalie Whipple is smart as a Whip (that's not even a #BadPun):

Favorite new Follow:


  1. ZOMG the last one is SOOOOO funny! *dies*

    The one about people conspiring to make the price of books zero? Sadly true... :(

  2. Oh, these are great! And Natalie is wise.

  3. Just found this blog! I thought Kate Hart's roundups were great - now I've got a Twitter Tuesday to make me smile as well. :)

  4. @Kristan...the funny ones are my favorite. :)

    @Sarah...thanks for commenting! Glad Natalie's kicking down some knowledge for those of us still in the query trenches. "waiting is a tool" BRILLIANT!

    @Emma...just checked out your site. My bro-in-law kept ferrets for hunting. They still scare me! I got this idea of twitter round-up from Kate Hart...and hers are super great. Since I loved reading them, I thought we'd start one over here. Thanks for reading and commenting!!
