Thursday, May 24, 2012
Okay, bloggers. We want to you ever come out from behind those black and white words and show yerselves?
Like many of you, we know the biggies, like Vlogbrothers and Charlie McDonnell, but what are the youtubers that you subscribe to and love to watch?
Like many of you, we know the biggies, like Vlogbrothers and Charlie McDonnell, but what are the youtubers that you subscribe to and love to watch?
Have you seen this one? Fascinated? We are too. And perhaps because it's fresh, genuine, and like a story all wrapped up in two minutes.
And if it's not a story, it's random thoughts, advice, having a conversation over a cuppa. What's not to love?
Even book bloggers are doing it for themselves.
We must admit that creating, filming, editing, recording video is tricksier than typing, pasting and posting. (Well, tricksier for the Gen X-ers like Ingrid and Sarah)
But perhaps We Heart YA should have a wee leedle experiment. What do you think? To Vlog or Not To Vlog?
Share your links in the comments (especially if it's you!)
p.s. Thanks, Steph, for all the great links so far. xx
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It's not so much that I'm afraid to be on camera and show myself as it is that I just don't think enough people care. I had a discussion post on my site about vlogging and received a lot of indifferent feedback.
I think if you want to vlog and take the time to vlog, then do it! But I don't think people will be upset if it doesn't happen.
I've only dipped a toe into the vlog waters -- with vlogbrothers, Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and TED talks -- but I'm definitely curious about it and looking forward to our potential experiments. :)
@Margot..."curious about intentions" yeah, us too. eternally curious. Some vloggers are better than others, you have to practice (much like writing) methinks and also not copy everyone out there. We can definitely affirm we are not going to venture forth in the name of celebrity. hehe.
@Alissa...We CARE!! That's four viewers. :) Can you share the link to your vlog discussion? We'd love to read it. Thanks!
@Kristan...Let's DO this! :)
VLOG!!! DO IT!!! It's not that hard and I LOVE feeling like I'm having coffee with my writing/blog buddies!
I don't really vlog much. My parents are completely against it for one. It also takes more time for me to blog than to make a post. I don't really watch many vlogs either... I'm just someone that likes words. Maybe I'll vlog someday.
I think what I enjoy most about the concept of blogging, aside from the things discussed (such as in the vlogbrotthers/scishow/crashcourse) but that when you watching you can tell just how much work has gone into bringing you what you're seeing. Transitions, cutting, audio - it's really incredible what a piece of art it is.
I think I would enjoy it better if I were better at putting them together; I need a better camera and perhaps a copy of Final Cut if I were to do it seriously. The ones I have made, though, have been fun.
Most of the things I subscribe to are music-related, but my favorite non-music vlog is Feminist Frequency. I watch them over and over again and I'm such a ridiculous fan of Anita Sarkeesian. She's actually inspired a set of posts that I've been sketching out.
Vlogging, like anything, is a choice. If it's fun and it's for you, then that's absolutely fine. I don't reckon there should be a standard either way. Do you what you do best and what makes you happy. :)
I love vlogging - I try to do it as much as possible.
I have a handful of other bloggers that I watch their vlogs, but other than that I don't have any "big" people I really watch vlogs of.
@Leigh Ann...OKAY! We thought your vlogging was really cute and funny. Here's hoping we're as successful.
@P.E....words are just fine. In fact, words are the best!!
@Kaye...thanks for the link! Will definitely be checking them out. And yes, it's an art form. We really admire those who are putting themselves out there.
@Erica...very cool! Thanks for commenting.
Personally I would LOVE to see you guys vlog! I think blogging adds a whole new dimension to blogging and really allows your audience to connect with you on a more personal level. When you vlog you aren't just words on a computer screen anymore. You become a real person! So I think that's cool. But it's really up to you guys. :)
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