
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Author Event--Kristina McBride (and other author friends)

Friday evening, Stephanie and Sarah braved the apocalyptic weather in Sarah's trusty Subaru (dodging downed trees at every turn) and, okay, we had to turn around and use the major highway in the end, but it was ALL so we could get to Books & Co. in Dayton, Ohio to attend Kristina McBride's launch for ONE MOMENT.

from l. to r.: Sarah, Kristina McBride, Steph
A couple of years ago, Ingrid attended Cincinnati's book festival "Books by the Banks" and discovered Kristina McBride's debut novel THE TENSION OF OPPOSITES.  **fangirl squee**

The novel has since been passed around our group and is much loved.  It's a seriously well-written contemporary novel about a girl who is kidnapped and returned home two years later.  But the real story is about Tessa, the best friend who puts her own life on hold for two years and then has to get to know a much-changed Noelle upon her return.  Jay Asher is a fan.  It made it onto YALSA's list of best fiction for Young Adults in 2011.  And it's well deserved.

McBride's latest contemporary novel ONE MOMENT is looking to be much the same--Sarah's already started reading and it's SO good.  (Don't worry, Ingrid, we got your copy for you!!)  Amazon blurbs it best:  "a mysterious, searing look at how an instant can change everything you believe about the world around you."  I don't want to give too much away because the premise is pretty cool.

We Heart YA has seen McBride at several signings now, and we are lucky to have so many talented writers local to the area who always seem to come out and support each other.  It's pretty awesome.  What's also awesome is that when Steph and Sarah crept up on them while they were perusing the teen section of Books & Co., they agreed to a picture and we had a chat about writing.

from l. to r. Kay Cassidy, Jennifer McGowan, Rae Carson, Sarah, Linda Gerber, Steph

Jennifer McGowan also hooked us up with some sweet swag (really cool hand-"maid" buttons) for her upcoming YA historical thriller MAID OF SECRETS coming out in Spring 2013 (this book looks sooooo good).  We are eagerly awaiting Rae Carson's THE CROWN OF EMBERS (roll on September!!) and Linda Gerber...every time we visit her site she seems to have a new title added to her already fun and entertaining list.  Kay Cassidy...will there be a CINDERELLA SOCIETY sequel?

And, hey, if you're still reading...your reward is a chance to win a brand spanking new signed copy of ONE MOMENT!!  All you have to do is comment on this post with "one moment" that changed your life.  The winner will be picked randomly and announced in two weeks.  

Also, look out for Twitter Tuesday giveaways.  Starting this week and for the next 6 weeks, we will be giving away a book each week to our followers!  Huzzah!


  1. I so wish there were two of me so I could have gone with you guys! Looks and sounds like it was a great time. :)

  2. If Jay Asher's a fan of her first book, I have to read it! And I definitely need to read Rae Carson's books, too.

  3. This was so much fun! But then, our road trips are always fun. ;)

    We missed you, Kristan and Ingrid.

  4. I immediately added One Moment to my TBR; I haven't heard of this title and the premise sounds like one I'd get well into.

    I love book signings/readings (definitely typed 'raeding' - maybe because Rae Carson is in the post?), especially if there are interactive author/reader moments. I have to admit that I become rather tongue-twisted every time, but I keep going!

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! My One Moment...

    My life changing moment was while playing World of Warcraft one night. I had just come back from a break after I moved. So I was on a comm link thing where we could all talk to each other with our voices and not just typing. Anyway, all of a sudden this voice comes through my headphones. I was in awe. And hooked. We spent alot of time together, met, started dating, talked on the phone ALL THE TIME, did a long distance relationship. Needless to say, three years later, I married him :)

    I often wondered what would have happened if I had not gotten on Ventrilo that night. Would the connection have happened later? It was one of the best moments in my life. It was the birth of several more moments that led to where I am now.

  6. @Ginny-
    That is SUCH a sweet story! Congrats. :)
