
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Twitter Tuesday (and Giveaway winners)

First of all, the Giveaway Winners:  Jessica Love, thanks for commenting last week.  You won DREAMLESS by Josephine Angelini and Sara (PageSage) you won ONE MOMENT from Kristina McBride.  *much clapping*

Dead Beautiful (Dead Beautiful, #1)Don't forget, all you have to do is comment on this post for a chance to win a book from our Giveaway Pile, which we'll be doing for the next six weeks. This week's prize: DEAD BEAUTIFUL by Yvonne Woon.

To the Tweets!  Both #xmasinjuly (writing contest) and #writerhell were top of the trends this week.  Jessa Russo combined them both:

Twitter, accept thy blame:


More writerly stuff (SO much):

LOL (that one's still our favorite)

IF this were real...just...OMgosh:

Oh yeah, some big thing happened last week:

But nothing could be better than Pandas on Slide.

Nuff said.


  1. Omg, the grammar crime one is perfect for me. LOVE IT!

    Funny thing is, if I see that I'm -1 character, I'll entirely reword my Tweet before ever considering committing a grammar crime.

    Grammatical mistakes are a big no-no for me and must be avoided at all costs!

  2. YAY! *waves hi to myself* I'm famous! ;-)

    Thanks for including me in the round-up!!

  3. Alissa, I do that, too! And then I will use ampersands (which are my favorite punctuation so I use them anyhow) and then remove some spaces after commas if it is not too painful.

    I do not really like to use contractions, so if contracting words is my very last resort. :P I guess I speak like Data, haha.

  4. I love this post. From the pandas to the crazy writer tweets... good stuff. ;)

  5. @Alissa and Kaye...I kind of like commiting grammar crimes, then I feel guilty. :)'re welcome! You ARE famous. lol

    @P.E...thanks for reading and commenting! I think there is nothing better in the world than Pandas.

  6. I will HAPPILY become a panda wrangler and/or puppy hugger. (Oh wait, I'm already the latter.)

    LOVE these tweets! So many good ones this week. Esp: Courtney Summers, Sara Walsh, Ame Dyckman, Gordon Warnock.

  7. i wonder what the book is about it looks really interesting.
