
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Twitter Tuesday

Bridget Howard, you won THE SNOWBALL EFFECT.  Thanks for commenting last week.  Make sure you email us so we can post it out to you!  This is the last week of our summer giveaways because, y'know, summer's winding down.  Some of you are crying right now, but come on!  Who's looking forward to some autumn weather and pumpkin spice lattes?!?  Okay, to win an ARC of REUNITED by Hilary Weisman Graham all you have to do is comment.  Thank you.  You are loved.

Lots of good discussions happened last week on twitter:  #NALitChat, #MGLitChat,#YAWritersAAT, and #askae:


Writing and Inspiration:

Definitely favorite tweet EVER

Funny stuff:


Some of you might be aware of a certain situation in reviewing (never a dull moment).  There is a guy who's making money from writing good reviews for self-published books.  It further degrades the line between true reviews and those paid for or blurbed by friends and family.  Maureen Johnson called him out and the discussion that ensued is worth reading:  



  1. This made my smile so, so big. Bookmarking. There's just something about this particular collective of words concerning their love of words that really resonates with me.

    In the past I've said to myself: I'm busy, I have school, I can't set aside 20 minutes to write. But that's a lie. I can. If I can spend time on Twitter or thinking about what textbook to read first then I have the time to shake some words of out of my head for 20 minutes.

    You ladies always know just the right thing to post. :)

  2. @Kaye...thanks! You're so sweet. Love getting your comments. :) Yes, you have the time to write and we're so glad you're making it happen despite the busyness.

  3. This is a really cool post. It's really hard to keep up with all thee tweets on twitter because I am not one of the lucky ones that can have it on my computer at work... But this post keeps me up to date. Thanks!! :)

  4. It takes me like 3 days to read these anymore, lol...

    But hey look, I got featured! Go me! (And btw it's super cute how there are a bunch of tweeples who get all excited each week to see if they're in the roundup. You're buzzing, Sarah!)

    As usual, the "funny stuff" section is my fave. But Maureen Johsnson's "rant" is so, so good too!
