
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Reading Around

I can be a book slut at times.  I read around a lot.  Sometimes I even have a few books going at the same time.  Not proud of it.  Well...

As a young adult, I used to read everything that I bought.  Every pretty cover that winked at me?  I flirted back, teased, carried them with me around Borders like I was actually going to buy them.  Silly books.  Those were my favorite to leave in the "self-help" section.

It didn't take me long to figure out that there were too many books to read.  I had to be pickier and put down the books that I just wasn't connecting with.  I learned during Friday Night Book Clubbing, in a mega-store full of hot covers, that the prettiest weren't always going to still be with me in the morning.

So I hate to admit that I only recently got around to noticing FINNIKIN OF THE ROCK.  What was I thinking?  How did I not know this book--this agonizingly good book--was out there?  (In fact, it was a comment from one of you on this blog that pointed it out to me.  I can't remember who you are, but I HEART you.)

This book.  THIS BOOK has my favorite character ever--Isaboe--who does what she has to do to get what she wants.  It's heart-wrenching at times reading sections where Isaboe has insanely tough choices, but ultimately what she wants is for the good of everyone.  It's the best kind of story that offers fantasy elements, contemporary relationships, gorgeous settings that you want to be transported to, and commentary on political/social elements.  It might possibly be THE ONE...if I ever decide to settle down.

Sometime this past year, I read a different Marchetta novel, JELLICOE ROAD, and it was INSTA-love (don't be haters).  It still blows my mind that a Contemporary writer can hop genres so seamlessly into Fantasy.  Gives me impetus.  Some hope.  Makes me want to read and write ALL THE THINGS.

I guess you could say I'm in love.


  1. I agree! I thought FINNIKIN was the next Arthurian epic, a sweeping style I hadn't experienced in a long time with characters that were just as glorious.

    Although I admit to being a book slut too... ;-)

  2. Sold! I ordered it right after reading your review.

  3. @Dawn Metcalf...well, hello! Thanks so much for've made my book blogging week! Book sluts of the world unite! ;)

    @Mike...Yes! *fist bump* I saw Graceling on your book shelf (in the pic you tweeted of Margot's Ashfall photo) and know that FINNIKIN will sit nicely next to it. :)

  4. Finnikin of the Rock was freaking awesome. I'm so glad you liked it as much as I did, when I saw the sequel in my library I seriously jumped up and down and hugged my book. My friend was all, "It's just a book, why are you that happy?" No, it's a really awesome book.

    Anyway, I am not a book slut. I will rarely read more than one book at a time if I have to (school ruins this philosophy). But I have, and continue to pick books up based on the cover. Every time I see a pretty cover I automatically want the book, sometimes I don't even look at the synopsis. These days I've cut back a little though before I'd go on major cover hunts and order 30 or so books from the library all at once based on only the covers...

  5. Well given how much I enjoyed JELLICOE ROAD, I am hugely excited to tackle FINNIKIN next.

    Oh, and I try really hard not to be a book slut. Not for moral reasons, just for my own sanity/clarity. :P

  6. @P.E. it was you! Thanks so much for the rec. I mean it was way off my radar and I'm so glad you helped me find it. Have you read the sequels? I'm pacing myself, I think.

    @Kristan...I really think you'll love it. Can't wait to discuss. :)

  7. I picked up FINNIKIN at the library because I happened to see it and b/c you'd just raved about it, Sarah. SO glad I did! I was "hooked" by page 3. And yes, Isaboe! She's amazing-- one of the most developed and complex characters ever. This book was definitely INSTA-Love for me. Great post!

  8. The crazy way my brain engages with what I'm reading makes it hard for me to read more than one thing at a time. I tend to become so engrossed that I want to read something all the way to the end and then get lost in it for a while after.

    The amount of books I bought last year is...insane, almost. This year I've toned it down, pre-ordered some, bought some on release (the joy of going into a bookshop and seeing your long-expected title there is just so wonderful), got heaps at BEA. I think last year I felt I needed to READ EVERYTHING NOW NOW. I'm going much more slowly now, with school, but I think I tend to enjoy what I read more because I had to make the time to do so!

    I haven't read any Melina Marchetta yet, and I am sad, but I seriously cannot wait to do so. There's just something about those Aussie writers - they're so incredibly talented!

    /tangent, I swear.

  9. Oh kaye, you HAVE to read Melina Marchetta! You will LOVE her!
