
Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Guy That Loves Without Holding Back

I have a soft spot for hopeless romantic guys in books... when they're done well. I don't always buy it, mostly because they're so common. Let's face it, when was the last time you read about the normal teenage boy who can't say what he really feels, never makes any grand gestures, but you know he likes you because he'll give up a night of video games to have an awkward dinner with you at Stake'nShake? Boys in YA tend to either love big or break hearts.

But every once in while, a hopeless romantic will come along and rise above the rest. Something about him will draw me in, make me believe him.

“I know you don't want this, Katsa. But I can't help myself. The moment you came barreling into my life I was lost. I'm afraid to tell you what I wish for, for fear you'll... oh, I don't know, throw me into the fire. Or more likely, refuse me. Or worst of all, despise me," he said, his voice breaking and his eyes dropping from her face. His face dropping into his hands. "I love you," he said. "You're more dear to my heart than I ever knew anyone could be.”

Po in Graceling by Kristin Cashore
“So that day, in music assembly, the teacher asked who knew the valley song. Your hand shot right up in the air. She stood you up on a stool and had you sing it for us. And I swear, every bird outside the windows fell silent... and right when your song ended, I knew — just like your mother — I was a goner.”

Peeta in The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
“Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens. I need you to remember that I love you.”

Akiva in Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

All of these characters come from another world or another time, each with their own set of grand gestures and bravery. Each of them have that nonexistent ability to express exactly what they're feeling at exactly the right time. Regardless, something in the writing made them real and captured my imagination.

They made me root for them.

More love:


  1. I'm ashamed to admit my cheeks are burning. Steph! Love this post and those YA guys who say all the right things. :)

  2. AAAHHHHH! That scene in GRACELING had me literally shivering and tingling with emotion. I have a very distinct memory of when and where I was while reading it.

    Here's another one for you, from THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater:

    *** "I will not be your weakness, Sean Kendrick."

    Now he looks at me. He says, very softly, "It's late for that, Puck." ***

    Siiiiigh. Such a great post, Steph. It makes me so happy to think about these guys. :)

    (But YES, if not done well -- which is unfortunately often the case -- it's just lame and annoying and overdone.)

  3. OH MY GOSH KRISTAN I WAS JUST GOING TO SAY: This post immediately IMMEDIATELY made me think of Sean Kendrick.

    Uhm, yeah, my level of coherency in relation to this post is not very high. But, seriously, THE SCORPIO RACES is just that good.

    I'm sure there are others but my brain is distracted. :P

  4. I LOVE this post! Oh man....this quotes are seriously making me swoon a little. I WANT MORE!

  5. I love this post and I agree that i love hopelessly romantic YA boys. And your picture. Let's just say i love it all early on a Monday morning.

  6. Aww, I freaking adore Po! Good examples! I wish I could think of some more good ones, but I can't at the moment.
