
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Twitter Tuesday (Sayonara Summer)

Last Giveaway For the Summer!! (until October/Halloween and then we have a couple of creeeepy books to giveaway...go here for a hint) Erin, you won the ARC of REUNITED!  Email us: weheartya(at)gmail(dot)com so we can post it out to you!

Wow, feels like there's so much space in this post for lots of tweets.  Okay, let's just decide to be amused straight away:

sorry if the language offends, but you better skip the next tweet too
this Mark dude was king of the funny last week, sheesh, save some room for others 
sorry, Dahlia, had to include it, though you are well-represented elsewhere (not just a pretty face)

Literary Agent Michelle started an interesting discussion about writers blogging about...writing:




There was SO much more to this, but the point Michelle is making is a challenge for all writers:
Create Fresh Content
Best Hashtag of the week:  #editortips

There's also this thing happening called #PitchMadness (and we're hoping Ingrid's entry will be picked up out of the slush):

Writing Life:



Okay, that was a bit long, but it gets harder and harder to whittle these down...and this is pretty whittled already.  Have a great week at school, work, prancing around the woods (what?  who said that?)


  1. Faves:
    - Sarah LaPolla
    - Courtney Summers
    - the conversations about creating fresh content
    - Dahlia's tweet about how writers don't need other writers to fail
    - RJ Anderson
    - Mallory Ortberg

  2. What sort of fresh content would you like to see writers blogging about? Writing posts are some of my favorites, because that is what *I* am interested in. I do like to see some stuff about personal lives, to "get to know" them a bit better and "see" the person behind the blog. But I'm not sure what else....

    Love the #editortips!

  3. @Margot and Kristan...thanks for commenting as always.

    @Leeanna...I mean, good question. Because I'm with you. I think that a lot of info is repeated and that can get a bit redundant sometimes, and that might be the agent's point. But I always need reminders of the things I already "know." xx
