
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twitter Tuesday

So, these twitter posts are getting long.  I don't know if it's because we've doubled the people we follow or y'all are just hysterical, inspirational, and gifted with the gab (been kissing Blarney stones?).  But we're endeavoring to keep it edited down.  Here goes nothing...

Today's one of those days that we don't like to think about...but we must:

The Writing Life:


 Readers Make the World Go Round:

Agents Sounding Off:


Funny Stuff:


Best Tweets of the Week...and only because they reminded us of the brilliant and indomitable Empire Records:



  1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one mixing hashtags in real life conversations!

    I don't know if you saw this post, which Malinda Lo retweeted in response to her tweet on love.

  2. @Leeanna...thanks for the link to that post. Jennifer Hubbard is fantastic!!
