
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Squaresville - a YouTube series for YA lovers

A lot of you probably know about and watch the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, right? It's the modern day YouTube version of Pride & Prejudice, produced by Hank Green. Well, if you like that -- and particularly if you like Lydia -- you should definitely check out the series Squaresville. It's "a show about growing up and burning brightly."

(If you don't like the LB Diaries… well, you should still check this out. It's awesome!)

Here's the latest episode, which might be my favorite one so far (and it's only 2 min long, so don't even pretend that you don't have the time):

(That question at the end just slays me.)

What you see is what you get: two teenage best friends, snippets of everyday life, and a healthy sense of humor layered on top of real problems and uncertainties.

These are the building blocks of every Squaresville episode. They're also the building blocks of many great YA books...

The Sky Is Everywhere Guitar Notes Jellicoe Road

(And romance lovers, don't worry: there are cute boys in Squaresville too.)

So yeah, consider this a Public Service Announcement: WATCH SQUARESVILLE! (And also, read the books above if you haven't already.) You're welcome.



  1. I haven't watched either of these videos/series, but now I want to! I CAN vouch for Jellicoe Road and The Sky is Everywhere, however. Two must-reads!

  2. What a FANTASTIC synopsis of what makes a great YA novel! :) And thanks for sharing this. I didn't know about this video series. And I am with Ingrid. Those are brilliant books.

    Off to YouTube :D


