
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twitter Holiday

It's my tree, yo.
With a twinge of guilt, I must announce that...I'm taking a break from twitter for the month of December.  I'm super close to finishing the first draft of the book I've been working on for most of the year.  I need these last few weeks to finish, have a Jolly Holiday, and get started on revisions.  Kristan offered to cover for me (and she'd be awesome), but she's editing a really incredible story right now, and I (selfishly) want her to finish it.  No extra duties!

In the meantime, if you need me, I'll be here:

I've relegated myself to the corner.  And so far The Olde Wrytyng Deske is doing the trick.

I know you're sad.  But this is a good thing.  You won't get these mindless tweets in your twitterfeed:

But I will leave you with these, from the infinite Fizz:

Don't forget about the HUGE giveaway we're doing this month.  And we're still doing our normal Thursday posts, only Christmas-themed, and I bet you can't wait to read our Top Reads book list for 2012, right?  Right?  That's what I thought.  All coming soon.  Okay, love you, bye.


  1. Yay! Congrats at being so close to finishing that first draft you can taste it! Don't let da interwebs distract you --- yooou can doooo eeeetttt!

  2. Aww, this is the saddest! These are like my favorite part of Tuesday on the Internet. Wait, is that weird and awkward? NEVER MIND I SAID NOTHING. (But yaaaay, good luck with the writing!)

  3. (Hee, Dahlia!)

    Aha! So THAT'S why you didn't want me to cover Tuesdays for you. Well, I suppose you're right. Sarah knows best. ;)

  4. @Mary...thanks for the encouragement, you are AWESOME!!

    @Dahlia...Oh no! I can't let Dahlia down!! Don't be too hilarious without me around. (I know I'm going to regret this twitter break, but I'll have a book to revise so there's that.) xx

    @Kristan...yeah, I know best. What's up. :)

  5. Congrats. So, if you have to face a corner does that mean you also cannot listen to music while you write?

    I have my desk in front of a window, but sometimes I need to close the curtain when I get distracted.

  6. @Sarah...I have another desk in the kitchen in front of the window overlooking the back woods. Needless to say, it's a big distraction! I almost always write to music, corner or not. :) Thanks for commenting. Hope you entered our giveaway!
