
Friday, March 29, 2013

Trending toward Contemporary

If you haven't heard, last week there was a massive publishing convention in Bologna, Italy. Obviously, we haven't been, but we follow a lot of agents and editors who go every year.  Foreign publishers let agents and editors know what books they're looking for, what trends they're seeing.  Everyone goes to market to buy a fat pig...then home again, jiggity jig.

As readers this doesn't impact us a ton (as writers, probably).  But whoa were we excited when we caught this tweet:

And considering how 2013 has been going so far, we can't dispute it (nor would we like to).  So far everyone has fallen in love with ELEANOR & PARK by Rainbow Rowell...there's a great review on iEatWords, if you need more convincing...Kristan snagged JUST ONE DAY by Gayle Forman...Sarah devoured 17 & GONE by Nova Ren Suma...then bought DR. BIRD'S ADVICE FOR SAD POETS by Evan Roskos (yawp!)...

And last night she finished something beautiful.  A love story about a girl and music.
 THE LUCY VARIATIONS by Sara Zarr.  It's simple, and gorgeous, and inappropriate (deliciously so), and full of rebellion and decision.  There's red dresses, near kisses, first sips of wine, and music, music, music.  There's having an audience, and being true to yourself.  Loving yourself.  Loving the moments we're given.

Contemporary is in its stride.  But there's always been room for a good, current story.  And as that girl says in the AT&T commercial, "We want more."

Here's our up, store up, on these fantastic Contemps before QUINTANA of CHARYN, THE BITTER KINGDOM, SIEGE & STORM, REBOOT, NOT A DROP TO DRINK, THE CHAOS OF STARS completely grab your attention with the shiny...we know we weren't the only ones drooling at all the books at Epic Reads #ARCparty this week. 

What's trending for YOU so far this year?  What are you reading and loving?

How can you look at this cover and not be completely mesmerized?!?


  1. I like what Joanna Volpe said about trends on Twitter a while ago: just write what you want to write. That said, I know trends are important for agents and the whole other side. Regardless, I AM excited to see lots of new and fantastic contemps.

    I read and adoooored JUST ONE DAY and am looking to read every other contemp you've named; particularly now THE LUCY VARIATIONS because uhm, a girl and music? That's so very me! <3

    Otherwise I guess that I've just been reading whatever story sticks out to me the most (and then sticks with me). I did recently read the UNEARHTLY trilogy that I'd put off for so long because angels aren't my thing, but it was really quite fabulous! I have REBOOT and WILD AWAKE (contemp!) and can't wait to start them.

    The cover of THE CHAOS OF STARS is my dream cover prototype. If my story can land a gorgeous typographic cover then I will be set for life.

  2. On one hand, I'm glad because I love contemporary books. On the other, though, fantasy is my favorite genre. However, it seems as though there's always a market for fantasy. It'd be nice if there could be a healthy balance of both!

  3. I love the trend back towards fantasy that I seem to see :)

  4. I like that contemp is getting in the spotlight a bit lately, because a couple years ago it was getting NO attention at all. Thankfully that's been changing a bit, but I still feel like contemp is the genre that people say they don't read. Maybe that's just me, though. Contemp is always my go-to genre, so I'm excited to see what'll be coming out in the next year or so. =D

  5. I am so glad to see contemporary get its due. That's always been my favorite genre (thank you BSC!) and it makes me sad when the flashy dystopias, paranormals, and fantasies get all the buzz even if they're not all that good. I hope we can continue to spread the word about some excellent contemps.

  6. @Kaye...absolutely, write what you want to. Trend Schmend.
    Will have to check out Unearthly and WILD AWAKE is sooooo good. I forgot that on my Contemp list. grr, argh.

    @Sara...Fantasy is a tie with Contemp for me. Can't read one and not the other. And, yeah, neither really goes out of style.

    @Erica...YES, moar Fantasy!!


    @Bookworm...indeed, good friend. :)

  7. I was so excited about this tweet! I live and breathe contemp, so I'm ecstatic to see it having its day in the sun (and hoping that maybe, possibly, the timing might work out so IF I can snag an agent with this MS, I could be riding this wave!)

  8. @Rebecca...I can't wait to read more of your writing, so keep polishing that script and get it out there! Good thing is, there's always a demand for Contemp. And I don't think readers pay attention to genre. They're (we're) looking for good stories. :)
