
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rock the Drop

**Our giveaway winner from last week's Indie Bookstores post is Cassie@Knows Prose!!!  Please send us an email at weheartya(at)gmail(dot)com.  Hope you like DON'T BREATHE A WORD as much as we did!**

So excited to participate, once again, in Readergirlz' annual shindig--Rock the Drop.  All the details are over at their site.  Basically you print off a bookplate, attach to a book you're willing to donate, Drop It someplace that people (teens) will stumble upon it, take a pic, tweet #rockthedrop and hope someone comes along to pick up a great--and free--read!

Since we're in Cincinnati, we will be leaving books around our hometown.  If you're local, pay attention to our twitter feed tomorrow and see if you can figure out the places we've dropped them.  Which books, do you ask?

A signed ARC of ONE by Leigh Ann Kopans.  This book is getting a lot of buzz (people we know LOVE it), and is being released in two short months.  But you could be part of #TeamONE simply by snagging this copy.  It has one of our favorite signature messages...ever...but you'll have to find the copy to see it.  We very nearly Rocked the Drop to our bookshelf with this one.  :)

A signed hardcover of DEFIANCE by CJ Redwine.  This book is a page-turner, filled with action and a unique mash-up of science fiction, fantasy, and post-apocolyptic elements.  The girls over at Epic Reads recommend this book nearly every week.  Get it before the sequel comes out this August!

A hardcover of WICKED GIRLS by Stephanie Hemphill.  This novel in verse relives the Salem witch trials through the eyes of the girls being accused.  Publisher's Weekly gave it a star and said, “The expressive writing, masterful tension, and parallels to modern group dynamics create a powerful and relevant page-turner. ”

An ARC of CRASH AND BURN by Michael Hassan.  The Goodreads blurb says: "Michael Hassan's shattering novel is a tale of first love and first hate, the story of two high school seniors and the morning that changed their lives forever. It's a portrait of the modern American teenage male, in all his brash, disillusioned, oversexed, schizophrenic, drunk, nihilistic, hopeful, ADHD-diagnosed glory. And it's a powerful meditation on how normal it is to be screwed up, and how screwed up it is to be normal."  Compelling and relevant stuff.

Are you participating this year?  We'd love to hear which books you've placed and what hometown.  Happy Dropping (and hope you snag some good, free books out in the wild).  xx


  1. I love "Rock the Drop"! It's such a powerful thing, sharing awesome books with people. ROCK ON!!

  2. That sounds amazing! I will have to get on it. Is it only this week? I'm off to check out the details. There are some lucky teens in Ohio today!

  3. Thanks Mary and Sandy!! I do believe it's just today, but I'm sure some will be floating around this weekend.

  4. I love the cover of One! So interesting! Hopefully people will find these and love them!!!

  5. Congrats to Cassie :) And all the lucky peeps in Ohio.

  6. You guys left some awesome books for Rock the Drop! Yay! Thanks for participating! :-)
