
Friday, May 10, 2013

Trilogy Blues

Every so often around the inter-world, I hear "I'm all trilogied out" or "I have trilogy fatigue."  This is interesting to me because I quite like epic stories with characters that make you want to follow them through Introductions, Make-Outs, and War.  Adventure in three parts, huzzah!  You don't have to work hard to sell that to me.

However, I get what people are on about.  I prefer companion books, like Kristin Cashore has done with her Graceling series.  Being in her world at different times with new voices keeps everything fresh.  A continual discovery, unveiling those hidden hinter-worlds, those shaded parts of the map.  (Don't even get me started on can have your hot guys, I'll drool over the maps).

You have to read some stand-alones to get some perspective on the beauty of a trilogy.  On why a trilogy is a natural thing--a number that makes sense to me.  Beginning, Middle, End.  Each individual book has these parts, but how meta to spread this over a series as well.  How divine.

So why have I titled this post Trilogy Blues?  Because lately I've been finishing up trilogies.  Stories that I've loved that have been a part of my life for quite a while.  I'm not fatigued, but the finishing is making me all sad and stuff.

THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS trilogy I read in little bits before bed to stretch it out as far as it could go.  I just wanted to hang out there for as long as possible.  I re-read each book, hoping to catch something new.  Another patch of shaded territory on the map in my mind.  After finishing THE BITTER KINGDOM, I felt so verklempt.  Like, this couldn't be all there is.  Don't get me wrong, it's a "smashing, satisfying end" to a series.  It's so, so good.  But it's over.  Like done.  I may even have to write a story in answer to this one, simply because it spoke to me so.  And I'm still holding on.

Likewise, at the moment I'm reading QUINTANA OF CHARYN and I keep talking out loud to the characters:  "Stop fighting!"  "You love each other."  Inside, I'm thinking:  "I only have so much time with you." "Don't travel so fast!"  I'm sort of worried I'm turning in to my mother.  She doesn't like to let go.  And I guess neither do I.  And, indeed, the characters aren't letting go of each other.  This end to the series is, so far, perfection (if painful).

What's to be done?

Trilogies!  You are bittersweet.  You make me love you, and then you leave.  xx


  1. I think this is maybe why I have several book threes waiting on my shelf...including The Bitter Kingdom. I don't want to have a sad.

  2. Aww... I definitely know how you feel with THE BITTER KINGDOM, and I anticipate the same with QUINTANA too. Sigh... But I also prefer companion novels, and I hoep that trend picks up!

    I think a lot of people are going to "have a sad" (haha, love that Mary!) about ALLEGIANT soon.

    Other third books that I'm anticipating with dread and hope:
    - ISLA AND THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER by Stephanie Perkins
    - Daughter of Smoke and Bone #3 by Laini Taylor
    - Raven Boys #2 and #3 and #4, hahahhaah

  3. This is the most accurate post on trilogies ever. I LOVE trilogies, but I hate when they end. (Hence why I'm waiting for The Bitter Kingdom with a mix of anticipation and sadness.)

  4. Thanks for all the thoughtful comments! Right now, the Hector novella coming out in July is keeping me going. LOL.

    But, yeah, why do these epic stories have to end? I guess so we can read more epic stories and fall in love with words over and over again.

  5. Gah, I got a copy of THE BITTER KINGDOM about a week ago and have been holding off on just reading them all in one go until after finals. I am so very very excited, no thanks in small part to you lot. :P

    And, uhm, can I just echo Kristan? 'cause that really sums it up.

    - Shatter Me #3.
    - HORDE (Ann Aguirre)
    - MONSTERS (Ilsa J. Bick - gosh, I love this series!)
    - UnSouled (Neal Shusterman, 'cause of reasons)

  6. My main problem with trilogies is that sometimes the story doesn't feel epic enough to have been worth it. If the story is truly epic, then bring on the trilogy!

  7. I definitely love trilogies. You are right (although for some reason I never thought of it like that): Beginning, Middle, End.

    What I hate are the series that go on and on and on (and sometimes have a very undefined end point).

    Also, for some reason I got very unreasonably annoyed that the Twilight series was a quartet and not a trilogy. I was really thinking it was a trilogy when I went into it (back before all the books were out) and got VERY annoyed when I finished the third only to find the series unfinished - and that it would end with a fourth as yet unpublished (at that time) book.

  8. @Bookworm...I think this is why the trilogies I invest in, tend to be Fantasy. They need a certain length to establish the world, at least. about Twilight being four instead of three. While I loved the first book and even the second to an extent, I really wanted it wrapped up as well. I must admit that was one ending that didn't make me sad when it was over.

  9. Man, I really miss reading a series of books close together. I've read many series books over the course of 2013, but I haven't spent any time following through. Maybe I'll make it my mission to finish at least two series this year. Thanks for reminding me of the awesome of trilogies! They're my favourite number for novels.

  10. I really like trilogies because they have a defined arc. I often feel that series books stretch on and on and lost track of their cohesiveness. I'd like to see more duologies, though. Or quartets.

  11. Yes, duologies and quartets are great too!
