
Friday, June 7, 2013

The Golden Books of Summer

I don’t know why, but when summer rolls in with its sizzling blacktops and sun-kissed days, I find myself drawn to the literary love. As in, capital R-Romance. Characters coming-of-age at sailing camp... teens having beachside bonfires... You know, those feel-good books that let you melt away from it all. 

Most of the time, I gravitate toward the tough stuff, the angst, the impossible predicaments authors dream up for their characters. So when I find books that lull readers into the summer bliss and tackle the big issues, well that's just... golden. 

One of my favorite golden books is KEEPING THE MOON by Sarah Dessen because it incorporates so many aspects of the adolescent journey. Of course, there's the love story. But there's also the friendship story and the family story and the self-esteem story, all so perfectly entwined. Plus, there's a cat named  Norman and a restaurant called the Last Chance! Mostly, though, I love this book because it is about appreciating who you are while at the same time discovering the person you can someday become. '

Some other summer faves:
  • TWENTY BOY SUMMER by Sarah Ockler... about  love, loss and the lies laced in between. 
  • MY LIFE NEXT DOOR by Huntley Fitzpatrick... in which a young girl must decide whether her loyalties lie in the bonds of friendship, family or her one true love. 
  • WANDERLOVE by Kirsten Hubbard... a travel adventure featuring Bria (a good girl trying to go bad) and Rowan (a bad boy trying to stay good). 

See what I mean? Golden. On my list this summer is Sarah Dessen's just-released THE MOON AND MORE. Has anyone read it? Weheartya's Stephanie is actually slated to interview Sarah D. this week and will be posting that interview here on Thursday!

So what are your favorite YA beach books? Any new ones that you can't wait to get your hands on? Let us know and Happy Reading! 


  1. I'm looking forward to your interview with Sarah D-she's such a beloved author for me and I love getting to read her thoughts!

  2. I want to check out her new book this summer!!
    Looking forward to the interview!!

  3. I ADORED Wanderlove. During the summer, I read a lot of travelogues and this one, though fiction, fit in beautifully to satisfy my own wanderlust.

  4. I really enjoyed TWENTY BOY SUMMER and MY LIFE NEXT DOOR, and I've been dying to read some Sarah Dessen and WANDERLOVE. Guess that means I like summery books too? ;P

    Also, I'm hearing good things about GOLDEN by Jessi Kirby.

  5. I really want to read Twenty Boy Summer (it's been on my TBR list ever since that school district banned it) and Wanderlove is one of my favorites. Definitely a perfect summer read!

  6. I'd nominate Jessi Kirby's MOONGLASS and Tamara Ireland Stone's TIME BETWEEN US as great beach reads (and just good reads in general).

    Also AMY AND ROGER'S EPIC DETOUR (Morgan Matson) just 'cause.

    Though I have to admit that Sarah Dessen books are just ones I have not been able to get into.

  7. Great choices I've read Sarah Dessen's latest few books but not the others. As for Wanderlove I've heard so many great things and hope to check it out this summer. Have you read any of Jennifer Echols' books, she is my personal favourite summer reads author. If you do decide to check her out, I recommend Such a Rush :)

    -Mari @ The Sirenic Codex
