
Friday, July 26, 2013

Hey, hey, a summer giveaway!

Ah summer. School is out, the sun is bright, and everyone is hanging poolside. Can't you just smell those hot dogs and burgers on the grill? And feel the sunscreen sticky on your skin?

Okay, summertime can be wonderful and idyllic, but if you're like us, then there's probably a healthy dose of chaos mixed in there too. Road trips, friends and family in town for a visit, selling your house and moving to a new country...

(Oh, maybe that last one only applies to Sarah. :P)

Since things are a bit hectic here at We Heart YA headquarters, we're going to skip the discussion post this week and have a little fun. A little book party, to be specific, and you guys are all invited!

To win one of these great prize packs, just leave a comment and let us know how your summer is going. (Also let us know if you are interested in winning A, B, or either one.) It's that simple! Winner will be announced at the beginning of August.

Prize Pack A:

Mila 2.0 (MILA 2.0, #1) Severed Heads, Broken Hearts The Kissing Booth

MILA 2.0 by Debra Driza

Prize Pack B:

The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1) The Beginning of Everything Never Let You Go

THE DARKEST MINDS by Alexandra Bracken
NEVER LET YOU GO by Emma Carlson Berne

(The only catch is that you must have a US mailing address. Sorry to all our lovely international friends!)

All right, now let's all get back to driving packing reading on the beach. ;D


  1. Let's see, my daughter graduated and moved out. Happy/Sad. My son is learning to be suddenly independent at 12. Happy/Sad. In 9 days I leave on a Disney cruise with my favorite girls - sister, daughter and niece. So I guess it's a mixed bag this summer!

    I'm interested in either. :)

  2. This summer is going waaay too fast! But I'm preparing to launch my own YA novel, which comes out in November so that has been tremendously exciting and fun! I took a trip with my husband and kids to visit our newest family member, my 5 month old niece and her parents. So that's all pretty awesome. Haven't had any time to read! Which makes me sad, but I keep adding books to the list. I'll get there sometime, right?

    I particularly like the looks of A. Exciting!!

  3. I just got a job at Barnes and Noble, which makes me ecstatic! Not to mention the AMAZING discount that I will now be getting on books (which is where the majority of my newly found paychecks will be deposited). I will be going to Bear Lake, one of my favorite places in the world, this weekend. Things are looking up, which always seems to be the magic of Summer! I've also been attempting to workout more, an every day challenge. :) Can Summer never end?!

    I'm liking Package A particularly because of Mila 2.o, I saw Debra Driza earlier in the year at a signing and have heard so many good things about it. :)

    Morgan @Remembered Deservedly

  4. I've had a pretty busy summer but my biggest struggle is still wrapping my head around the fact that I don't get it off (I graduated 2 years ago so it's still a new thing for me). I like working so I don't mind being in my office but sometimes I just want to spend a lazy day on the couch reading a couple of books. As a California girl, the weather is fantastic so when I do have a chance to go outside, I get to do all my favorite outdoor activities!

    I'd be happy to win either :)

  5. My summer has just begun today because my sister got married last night so all the chores are done... Atleast that is what my mom and I have been joking about. :) both these packs look good. I would e happy with either, but B doesn't look a little more enticing to me.


  6. My summer has been pretty laid back so far. I've been working my normal job, but enjoying my newfound freedom away from school. I took the summer off so I could have a little time for myself. School can be so stressful! So I've been catching up on some good reading and spending time with friends and family. :)
    If I had to choose out of the 2 prize packs, I'd have to go with prize pack A (although either would be fine with me). I've been dying to get my hands on a copy of Mila 2.0. I've heard such good things about it. :)

  7. My summer has been exciting. It started with a friend's wedding, another friend had a baby, and a third friend is getting married in a couple more weeks! All great things happening, and a lot of wonderful excuses to spend time with my beautiful friends!

    And I'd pick pack A- 2 of the books are on my to-read list already!

  8. Oh wow, you guys are so lucky! Our summer here in Hawaii is ENDING and we're all going back to school this coming first week of August D:

    This summer my family and I got to meet and spend time with our relatives from California, who were visiting for a couple weeks. We all had a blast during the few days we were all together--great food, beautiful beaches, and bad sunburns ;P My sister and I did a lot of reading, many of the books we read this summer were absolutely great reads. (Eleanor & Park? LOVED IT. Both characters were fantastic, and after that bittersweet ending, I really miss them!) And AP homework...*bleh*

    I hope you all have a great summer! And great giveaway--I would love the books of pack A. Happy reading : )

  9. Summer is going by. I'm tried to read as much as possible for school starts and enjoy my final free summer <3

    Prize Pack B: I'm dying to read the Beginning of Everything.


  10. Is this still going? Because I am dying for package B! :D

    My summer is going wonderfully. I got my first tattoo (Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service on my forearm), celebrated my birthday by going to Kings Island, and got my first ever 4.0 while taking a full semester this summer. Nothing feels better than having your hard work lead up to something! I also attending a book signing yesterday, and that was SO FUN! :D


  11. This is a great giveaway :) My summer is going wonderfully I've been doing a lot of writing, reading and blogging so that's always a good sign. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd be interested in winning either, they are all book I'd love to read & review :)
