
Thursday, August 22, 2013

This is a love letter

Dear Sarah,

Three years ago, you invited me to join your critique group, making me the fourth and final member of We Heart YA. I had no idea then how close we would become or how important our friendship would be for my writing, my happiness, and my sanity.

It’s crazy to think about how much I’ve changed since that first meeting. I was painfully shy and insecure, my freak flag carefully folded and discretely tucked away. But I’ve come into my own in the past couple years. In large part, because of you. You have a wonderful way of pushing people out of their comfort zones and then making them laugh about it. With you, awkward moments become merely food for good stories. I feel so differently about myself now. I can look at my flaws and my weirdnesses and accept them with a chuckle.

I’ve dealt with irrational shame since I was a little girl. But Sarah, nothing shocks you. Our meetings have always been a judgment-free zone. They are a place to work through stubbornness, climb out of ruts, and celebrate even the smallest triumphs. They make me better. YOU make me better.

Now you’re an ocean away from us, but our friendship isn’t over. I’m so grateful for computers and internet and Google hangouts, because they mean we get to keep you even when you pack up and move country.

So here’s to three more years of storytelling, hour-long tangents, impromptu therapy sessions, and lots of laughter!

Love from,


  1. Aaaaand now I'm crying.

    <3 you guys so much. (Ingrid too! Even though she wasn't there for the picture.)

  2. Aww, Steph!!! I loves ya too (and the best crit group ever!!) Don't forget me! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Lol. I'll still look after you, I have my connections. :)

  3. Oh you guys, my heart. You ladies really are the best, and this made me smile and simultaneously have all the feels.

    And, Sarah, if you ever want to come to Amsterdam for a weekend, you are welcome at any time in my humble shipping container abode. <3

  4. So cute-I'm loving the love you ladies share!

  5. Dear Sarah, I "tritto" all the love (and tears). And I heart this picture of you three! I'm already planning our next WHYA reunion -- in London :)

  6. This is such a lovely thank you to a good friend. I love reading these kinds of posts, so thank you for sharing!
