
Friday, September 20, 2013

Rabbit Holes (aka Internetting)

So, you're here, right?  At least you think you are.  It's Friday, and We Heart YA usually has a new post at the end of the week and you're thinking we're going to start your day off right like a bowl of Count Chocula...

...we can only wish...

But chances are you started off somewhere way, way out there in the Interverse.  It's funny how large and multitudinous the YA community is, and yet how small.  No?  Sooner or later, you bump into someone you know or have at least heard of.   Readers get around.  :)

This week I received an email from our lovely Steph about this...


...and I realized I hadn't read Laini's blog in ages.  So many ages that I wasn't entirely sure of her blog address and googled it (drgh, it's  Up popped her blog address on google, but also lots and lots of images of pink hair.  So much so that I couldn't resist clicking on the images and perusing through each one.  Saints, I have so much time to waste!  There's Laini with fans, Laini reading her books, being interviewed, on holiday with her family, with so many versions of her little lady Clementine as she's grown.

Such a wonderful story in pictures.  A COLLAGE of Laini's Literary Life.

So of course I wondered what my Google Collage said about me.  I jumped down the rabbit hole and googled my name and all sorts of wondrous wonder came up.  Images that weren't just pics of me (which I'm not to partial to, I might add), but pictures of friends, pictures I've posted, tweeted, images that are ME but not literally.  Also, it seems I wear white to every author event I ever attended.  Zoinks.

Bet you're curious now what your Google Collage would be.  I'll wait while you google yourself.

Cool, right?  Also good to note:  it's not all there is to you.  It's like the crusty epidermis that is you.  Some cracks show through, and you can see deeper.  But even google doesn't go to those places.

For now, I'm happy to just be a conglomerate of book covers, tweets, and pictures with people that hug me and love me.  Not a bad life, eh?

What's your story?  Don't make me google you!  What's the craziest Internetting you've gotten up to lately?


  1. I get sucked into so many rabbit holes via the internet-I try to avoid it and I've gotten better but there's always a link that leads to somewhere else that leads to somewhere else (don't let me on buzzfeed for example!) and sometimes it's hard to stop reading.

  2. My google collage reveals:
    - me
    - me and my dog
    - me and a couple authors
    - bubble tea (!!)
    - my ebook offerings
    - me and my fiance

    Sounds about right, haha.

    And oh goodness, what a dangerous rabbit hole this internet thing is. There needs to be an off button somewhere!
