
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Twitter Tuesday


  1. I can't believe UNITED WE SPY comes out today!!! Love that tweet about trending topics and the silicon gel packets, haha.

    Sara at The Page Sage

  2. So many awesome books coming out today! I'm super excited! :) Haha love the collection as always. The bat thing was a cute way to wrap up.

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

  3. Haha, Lauren DeStefano's twitter is rather perfect. Thanks for this post! I loved the Mae West quote.

  4. Happy book birthday to This Song Will Save Your Life! Such an amazing book that everyone should run and check out!

    I loved all the humor this week and I now kind of want to write some cereal cartoon fanfiction though I don't think I'd pair Count Chocula with a Keebler Elf...I'm actually thinking Captain Crunch...
