Thursday, June 12, 2014

As part of our new schedule, we are dialing back the Twitter roundups (to monthly versus weekly) and instead we will be taking regular "road trips" with our friends over at YA Highway. On most Wednesdays, they post reading or writing-related questions. On most Thursdays, we will answer.
Since this is the first time that we are participating, we decided to start at the beginning, with the very first Road Trip Wednesday question ever posted:
I get my ideas from so many places -- a news article, a memory, an imaginary person who won't leave my head. As far as the storyline goes, I usually start with a moment or a scene that jumps into my mind. I visualize what is happening and how the characters are reacting, and then it morphs from there into a whole plot. Occasionally I will start with an issue that I want to explore more in depth, but mostly... it's character.
My ideas come from dreams, news and culture, listening, watching, reading and having a curious (nosy) interest in human nature and the world -- all the things good and bad. Like Ingrid, often a character will "speak" to me, appearing out of nowhere, and won't shut up. Or says something that I like. That's the scary thing, how these characters appear and know just what to say to get me to write them. "My name is Jack and I know kung-fu." Bonkers. One thing is clear: if I'm not out living my life then the ideas dry up. So my ideas come from life. Essentially.
Ditto what Sarah and Ingrid said! But since that's boring, haha, I'll add this: I love to travel, and I am often inspired by the places I visit and the people I meet. Compared to other elements in a story, setting is probably the "quietest," but it's one of the most compelling aspects for me.
You can participate too! By commenting here* or at YA Highway, by posting your answers on your own blog/Tumblr, or even by tweeting with the hashtag #RoadTripWednesday.
*Also new: Anyone who comments on any We Heart YA post will qualify for a monthly giveaway. Winner will be drawn at random and get to choose their prize from our stash.
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